Tired of feeling stuck, hypervigilant, and with a constant feeling that you are 'never enough'?
You are so ready to move forward

Dissolve unhealthy patterns in your body-mind and use your unique gifts to live the life you truly deserve

My name is Fabricio Carrizales. I am an Integrative Somatic Coach and Therapist. I work from the inside-out from my own healing experience and using unconventional bottom-up approaches (using the body or SOMA as the entry point and healing tool) and I am here to tell you that healing and transformation are possible and that YOU CAN:

Be on the spotlight of your life

You are an overachiever! you "give your best" in everything and you care about everyone around you. However, no matter how much you have done, you feel it is never enough, nobody values your efforts and don't feel recognised. Now you will focus on yourself.

BE ALONE no more

You are fully independent. So much done in life and at work you have done alone. Now that things are difficult you feel alone but still you constantly think you MUST be able to 'do it on your own' as everybody else has 'bigger issues'.
I know this very well, I am here to tell you that we all need help and I am here for that.

Discover pleasure and joy

You are a very sensitive person. You focus on what you 'should do' but there is a critical inner-voice that does not let you relax. Meet and overcome the need to always please others and learn to prioritise what gives YOU pleasure and joy.

Develop more resilience

You always thought you were able to hold and resist all difficulties. Now, your best friends are stress, anxiety, burnout, anger, insomnia, fatigue, or chronic pain. It is time to listen to your body. I will help you to regulate your nervous system and reduce these symptoms to feel more serene and peaceful.

Find the balance you deserve in life

You want to excel in everything you do. So much pressure you put on yourself. However, it got too much and you feel overwhelmed. Find the right balance between being and doing. You are perfect and enough the way you are. You are worthy as the beautiful human being you are and not for what you do.

Move forward, Together!

So many places and things you have gone through. Though life seems to be stagnated and stuck. You are so ready to work together on achieving your goals, step-by-step and at your UNIQUE rhythm

Start the transformation now
Book your next Coaching, SE® or TRE® consultation

Sessions could be face-to-face in my private practice or videoconsultation online (Zoom/Skype)


I am an Integrative Somatic Coach and Therapist. I combine conventional conversational coaching modalities with unconventional body-centered (soma) techniques to tap into the natural healing power of the subconscious, nervous system, and body. In this way, real, profound, and lasting results and transformation are achieved.

I am a Certified Advanced TRE® Practitioner, Mindfulness Instructor, Life Coach, and Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP). My expertise lies in working with deep emotional developmental traumas (complex trauma) using a combination of Deb Dana’s PVT-based interventions, Diane Heller Poole’s DARe’s attachment styles-centered work, and Dr. Larry Heller’s NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM). I offer specialized guidance and support to help individuals heal and create positive changes in their lives.

I am also a Practitioner of the Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) of the Dr. Stephen Porges. This is a five-day auditive intervention designed to reduce stress and hearing sensitivity while improving social engagement and resilience. Based on the polyvagal theory of Dr.  Porges, by calming the physiological and emotional state, it opens the door for better communication and more effective treatment.

These somatic techniques are based on the latest advances in neuroscience and the modern understanding of stress and trauma and its linked to the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and body and mind.

Frequently asked questions

Instead of giving you the typical answer, ‘coaches work towards the future and therapists to the past’,  I will tell that there is little difference between both in my case. However, it is indeed YOUR intention that counts. If you are looking for someone to help you to move forward in life, I am at your service. 

However, we will not stay at the surface, at your own unique rhythm, we may indeed explore some uncomfortable places. Emotions may emerge, past memories may be revealed. However, we will revisit them, as they manifest, only to access the healing power and the resources that are behind them. Behind these, we will find the life force you need to help you to thrive and to move forward. 

If you need to have a diagnose on any medical condition on your mental health, I advise you to seek help from a Medical Professional, such as a licensed psychiatrist or psychotherapist. 

By combining cognitive approaches of conventional coaching and trauma therapeutical and somatic approaches, I work with my clients on any private or professional topic to bring their creative and positive energy back, empowers them to increase their own resilience, and move forward to a more balanced and harmonious life. 

I truly believe that in the same way there is no real body-mind separation, equally, we are one ‘whole’ with multiples facets. Our inner harmony and well-being that involves both body and mind health will, in turn, have an effect in all aspects of our outer world, whether it is our private or professional life.

I accompanying people who are high performers and achievers and/or highly sensitive and that, despite their high potential and achievements, they feel stuck.  Additionally, naturally, my clientele tends to be people how are an international path, Expats or middle Management who work in International Environments.

High achievers have the peculiarity to keep moving forward, creating projects, helping others, etc. This great gift has served them very much in their life but there is a moment that this seems to work no more. They start feeling stuck in unhealthy patterns, exhausted, feeling unappreciated, lacking motivation, or starting to have physical symptoms where they no longer find balance in their life. Typical symptoms are chronic pain, extreme fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, burnout.

Despite their hidden blockages (as high-achievers as they are), they are ready to invest time and money in themselves to find a better balance and move forward in their life.

No matter what specific topics my clients want to work within their private or professional life, or what goals they want to achieve, their main problematics revolve around helping them to lower symptoms of stress, anxiety, emotional traumas, burnout or insomnia. It is through building more resilience and capacity that they will be able to transcend blockages, self-limiting beliefs and will be resourceful enough to move forward in their paths.

I work typically in English and French. However, my origins are Venezuelan hence, I also work in Spanish as it’s my mother tongue.

A space dedicated for you

I am at your service to accompany you on your journey to safety and reconnection to your own body and your true self. 

Together, we will create a space of security where you can connect with all the gifts and resources you already have, by deploying your true wonderful nature, move forward in your life and feel more peaceful and more serene.

Private practice at my place

Centre Champaca

What my clients say?

I have worked with Fabricio using his various modalities (TRE, Coaching and Somatic Experiencing). I always felt attended to, sincerely cared for, listened to, understood, seen, and respected. Something I cannot say for other therapists I have worked with. I believe the chemistry I shared with Fabricio allowed for a deep relaxation and safe space to feel, express, and release. Fabricio's motivation comes from a deep place of healing, care, and passion for this work.
After repetitive states of depression for almost 20 years, it wasn't until I experienced a major burnout in the summer of 2019 that I started working with Fabricio as an Integrative Somatic Coach when he helped me greatly to better understand the traumas behind the tensions in my body and to get myself "unstuck". I've learned to listen to my body and bring peace to my mind. This is a slow process and it takes time, but it is effective and lasting. I'm amazed at how far I had come along in the past 8 months and I've never felt more serene in my life. Thank you, Fabricio. I will forever be grateful to you.​
Management Professional
I have a real attachment to the body and its own reactions. TRE® – taught by Fabricio, done with great passion, and know-how and fine ​attentiveness – has given me a respectful and gentle approach to my body, favouring these spontaneous manifestations that I did not know before. The body has a thousand facets to explore. Here you are one more
Simone Pétrequin
Tai Chi and Qigong instructor
My experiences have been always very positive. Fabricio always manages to take you from your daily anxious mode to a calm down state where you really reconnect with your body. At the end of each encounter ,I always felt more serene and ready to enjoy the rest of the day
IT Professional​
Fabricio guides you gently and teaches you to listen to your body and respect your own limits and your own pace. I also really liked the fact of having clear explanation why and how TRE® works. I recommend him to anyone wishing to connect with their own body and willing to deeply relieve and evacuate stress
Camille Guégan
Meditation Instructor
I recommend Fabricio and his services to others. Enriching and powerful. I didn’t know my body could talk to me the way it talks during TRE session. I do it regularly because I am convinced that it is a good method. What I liked about Fabricio’s sessions was the fact that he was gentle, respecting the limits of each body. Fabricio explains well the method and the ’why
Julie Kowalski
Project Manager